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Helps support general health and energy, relieve fatigue and weakness, and increase appetite.

Giúp hỗ trợ sức khỏe và năng lượng nói chung, giảm bớt mệt mỏi và yếu sức, và tăng sự thèm ăn.


Actions & Indications:

  • Tonifies spleen and augments the QI for spleen and stomach deficiency ,with such symptoms as diarrhea, fatigue ,lack of appetite, and vomiting.

BUPLEURUM CHINENSE:( SÀI HỒ )Bitter, Acrid , Cool.

Actions & Indications:

  • Spreads liver qi and relieves constraint for constrained liver QI with such symptoms as dizziness, vertigo chest and flank pain. Also used for disharmonies between liver and spleen with symptom as epigastric and flank pain, a stifling sensation in the chest, abdominal bloating ,nausea and indigestion.

CITRUS RETICULATA 🙁 TRẦN BÌ ) Acrid , bitter ,Warm , aromatic.

Actions & Indications:

  • Regulates Qi , Improves the transportive function of spleen. for Spleen and stomach stagnation QI patterns with such symptom as epigastric or abdominal distension ,fullness ,bloating ,belching and nausea and vomiting.

ANGELICA SINENSIS 🙁 ĐƠN QUI ) Sweet ,Acrid, Bitter ,warm.

Actions & Indications:

  • Invigorates and harmonizes the blood and disperses cold. moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels for the dry intestines due to blood deficiency.

GLYCYRRHIZA URALENSIS 🙁 CAM THẢO )Sweet ,neutral (raw),Sweet ,warm.

Actions & Indications:

  • Tonifies spleen and augments the Qi ,commonly used for spleen deficiency with shortness of breath ,lassitude loose stool. Also for Qi and Blood deficiency.


Actions & Indications:

Tonifies spleen and stomach yin deficiency with lassitude, fatigue and loss of appetite and dry mouth.

PANAX GINSENG 🙁 NHÂN SÂM ) Sweet ,slightly bitter, slightly warm.

Actions & Indications:

  • Strongly tonifies the basal QI .Strengthens the spleen and tonifies stomach for lethargy ,lack of appetite chronic diarrhea. benefits heart Qi and calms the spirit.

ACTAEA DAHURICA :(THĂNG MA ) Sweet ,Acrid , cool.

Actions & Indications:

  • raises the Yang and lifts the sunken for middle Qi deficiency leading to such symptoms as shortness of breath, fatigue ,and prolapse.


**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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    *Legal Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, product statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of our products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult a doctor for medical issues
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